ulna$86122$ - traducción al árabe
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ulna$86122$ - traducción al árabe

Ulnar tuberosity; Tuberositas ulnae; Tuberosities of the ulna bones; Tuberosities of ulna bones; Tuberosity of the ulna bone; Tuberosity of ulna bone; Tuberosity of ulna

n. عظم الزند
corpus ulnae         
  • Proximal extremity of left ulna. Lateral aspect.
  • Quill knobs on the ulnae of fossil (top) and modern (bottom) birds.
Ulnar; Ulnae; Ossification of ulna; Lower extremity of ulna; Body of ulna; Upper extremity of ulna; Supinator crest; Head of the ulna; Shaft of ulna; Upper end of ulna; Head of ulna; Ulnæ; Ulnar fracture; Corpus ulnae; Extremitas proximalis ulnae; Extremitas distalis ulnae; Caput ulnae; Upper extremity of the ulna; Proximal extremity of ulna; Proximal extremity of the ulna; Lower extremity of the ulna; Distal extremity of ulna; Distal extremity of the ulna; Ulna (bone); Ulna bone; Cubit bone; Ossification of ulna bone; Ossification of ulna bones; Ossification of the ulna bones; Ossification of the ulna bone; Ossification of the ulna; Upper ends of the ulna bones; Upper ends of ulna bones; Upper end of ulna bone; Upper end of the ulna bone; Upper end of the ulna
‎ جِسْمُ الزَّنْد‎
shaft of ulna         
  • Proximal extremity of left ulna. Lateral aspect.
  • Quill knobs on the ulnae of fossil (top) and modern (bottom) birds.
Ulnar; Ulnae; Ossification of ulna; Lower extremity of ulna; Body of ulna; Upper extremity of ulna; Supinator crest; Head of the ulna; Shaft of ulna; Upper end of ulna; Head of ulna; Ulnæ; Ulnar fracture; Corpus ulnae; Extremitas proximalis ulnae; Extremitas distalis ulnae; Caput ulnae; Upper extremity of the ulna; Proximal extremity of ulna; Proximal extremity of the ulna; Lower extremity of the ulna; Distal extremity of ulna; Distal extremity of the ulna; Ulna (bone); Ulna bone; Cubit bone; Ossification of ulna bone; Ossification of ulna bones; Ossification of the ulna bones; Ossification of the ulna bone; Ossification of the ulna; Upper ends of the ulna bones; Upper ends of ulna bones; Upper end of ulna bone; Upper end of the ulna bone; Upper end of the ulna
جَدْلُ الزَّنْد


·noun An ell; also, a yard.
II. Ulna ·noun The postaxial bone of the forearm, or branchium, corresponding to the fibula of the hind limb. ·see Radius.


Tuberosity of the ulna

The tuberosity of the ulna is a rough eminence on the proximal end of the ulna. It occurs at the junction of the antero-inferior surface of the coronoid process with the front of the body. It provides an insertion point to a tendon of the brachialis (the oblique cord of the brachialis is attached to the lateral border).